I'm not that guy. I'm not that guy that sits around and listens to sport radio day in and day out, listening to the experts cover each and every facet of the game, I enjoy it from time to time, but I digress.
There are 3 things that I hate in the world, and one of them is the Los Angeles Lakers. They represent all that is wrong with humanity and if they win the championship it is all but certain that we will all meet our doom, soon.
And I'm not that doom and gloom type of guy but when we put a rapist on a pedestal cause hes good at a sport, we as Americans, as people in general should be ashamed of ourselves. I echo the thoughts of Bill Hicks and his Learn to Swim mentality. I have never been to California, but an enormous amount of assholes live there, rich assholes, I'm not hating I promise and I could do without them. As “2010” as I can put it.....I'm just sayin
we put mike vick in prison for killing dogs. I don't agree that what he did was anything short of torture but srsly? Its sad, but what does that say? Basically what it boils down to is the dogs couldn't be bought off like that poor girl in the mountain state, god bless her, I hope she got paid.
Fuck Kobe Bryant and Fuck the Lakers
I say good day sir